Doctor of Philosophy in Biomedical Data Science and Informatics (Ph.D.)

Biomedical data science and informatics is an interdisciplinary field that applies concepts and methods from computer science and other quantitative disciplines together with principles of information science to solve challenging problems in biology, medicine and public health.

The nation's transition to new healthcare delivery models and the exponential growth in biomedical data translate to a need for professionals with expertise in data science focused in biomedical research who can leverage big data to improve health in the state and the nation. Specialized tracks include precision medicine, population health, and clinical and translational informatics.

The program is a unique collaboration that brings together Clemson's strengths in computing, engineering, and public health and MUSC's expertise in biomedical sciences to produce the next generation of data scientists, prepared to manage and analyze big data sources from mobile sensors to genomic and imaging technologies. Graduates will possess the necessary skills for informatics careers in biology, medicine or public health focused on the development of prescriptive analytics from large data sources.


Each student will work with the graduate coordinator, academic advisor, and dissertation committee to construct a program of study that conforms to the requirements outlined below and takes into account both the student’s prior preparation and intended research area. In cases where the student comes to the program with prior coursework in a required area, the graduate coordinator may approve a substitution. In cases where a student lacks pre-requisites for a required course, the student will be asked to complete both the pre-requisite coursework and the required course. Because the curriculum will be tailored to each student, the time needed to complete the degree will vary, but in general, it is expected that students can complete the degree in five years or less.

Coursework (65-68 credit hours):

Area I - Biomedical Informatics Foundations & Applications 15-16 credit hours
Area II - Computing, Math, Statistics, & Engineering 18 credit hours
Area III - Population Health, Health Systems, & Policy 5-6 credit hours
Area IV - Domain Biology/Medicine 3-4 credit hours
Area V - Lab rotations, seminars, doctoral research 24 credit hours

Additional requirements include passing a qualifying exam, a dissertation proposal, and ultimately a dissertation and its defense.

Students will have a designated "home institution" -- either Clemson or MUSC -- at which they will be physically located. However, all students in this program will take graduate classes from both institutions. Students will not be required to travel between campuses as courses will be made available to students both on-campus and via synchronous remote capability. Courses will be offered at the Clemson main campus, MUSC main campus, the University Center at Greenville, and the Zucker Family Graduate Education Center (on CURI campus, North Charleston).

This doctoral program is a research degree. Students will pursue one of three track specialty areas which include precision medicine, population health, and clinical and translational informatics. All students will have the opportunity to work directly with one or more program faculty members on research related to data science and informatics. Doctoral students will be immersed in the research environment and will actively engage in authoring research proposals, conducting research, writing abstracts and manuscripts, and presenting research findings.

*This course is delivered through Clemson University as part of a joint Biomedical Data Science and Informatics program.

Area I - Biomedical Informatics Foundations & Applications

Biomedical Informatics Foundations
BDSI 701
Introduction to Biomedical Informatics 3
BDSI 702
Biomedical Data Standards 3
Research Foundations (Choose 1)
BDSI 8210
Health Research I 3
BDSI ####
Research Principles & Concepts 3
HIN 708
Applied Statistical & Research Methods 3
Track Specific Course (Choose 1)
BDSI 711
Precision Medicine Informatics 3
BDSI 712
Translational Informatics 3
BDSI 8900
Population Health Informatics 3
Electives (Choose 1-2, Minimum 3 credit hours)
CPSC 8450
Bioinformatics Algorithms 3
Statistical Methods for Bioinformatics 3
BDSI ####
Panomics 3
BDSI ####
Consumer & Quantified Self 3
BDSI ####
Health Enterprise Analytics 3
BDSI 731
Microbiome Informatics 3
Area Total 15-16

Area II - Computing, Math, Statistics, & Engineering

Systems & Database Management (Choose 2)
Applied Software Engineering
BDSI 8710
Foundations of Software Engineering 3
BDSI ####
Software Design 3
Computing Environments
BDSI ####
Computational Science 3
BDSI 6780
General Purpose Copmutation on GPUs 3
BDSI ####
High Performance Computing with GPUs 3
BDSI 8200
Parallel Architectures 3
BDSI ####
Introduction to Parallel Systems 3
BDSI ####
Principles of Scientific Computing 3
Data Management Tools & Technology
BDSI 6620
Database Management 3
BDSI ####
Database Management System Design 3
BDSI 8470
Introduction to Information Retrieval 3
Human Factors, HCI, & Usability
BDSI 6140
Human & Computer Interaction 3
BDSI 8310
Fundamentals of Human-Centered Computing 3
BDSI 8000
Human Factors Engineering 3
Performance & Scalability
BDSI ####
Systems Modeling 3
Math & Computing Foundations (Choose 1)
BDSI 8010
Statistical Methods I 3
BDSI 8050
Data Analysis 3
Introduction to Clinical Biostatistics 3
Machine Learning/Data Science (Choose 1)
BDSI 6420
Artificial Intelligence 3
BDSI 6300
Applied Data Science 3
BDSI 721
Applied Machine Learning 3
BDSI 6430
Machine Learning: Implementation & Evaluation 3
BDSI ####
Advanced Machine Learning 3
Choose 2
BDSI ####
Biostatics 3
BDSI 8310A
Quantitative Analysis 3
Biostatistical Methods II 3
Data Mining
BDSI 8650
Data Mining 3
BDSI ####
Pattern Recognition 3
BDSI ####
Network Science 3
BDSI ####
Applied Multivariate Statistical Analysis 3
Bayesian Biostatistics 3
Visualization & Exploratory Data Analysis
BDSI 6030
Data Visualization 3
BDSI 8031
(CLEM 8030)
Scientific Visualization 3
BDSI 8430
Deep Learning 3
Image & Signal Processing
BDSI ####
Introduction to Computer Vision 3
BDSI ####
Introduction to Digital Signal Processing 3
BDSI ####
Digital Image Processing 3
BDSI ####
Medical Imaging 3
Decision Analysis/Knowledge Integration/Modeling
BDSI 6410
Introduction to Stochastic Models 3
BDSI ####
Knowledge Engineering 3
BDSI ####
Engineering Optimization & Applications 3
Geospatial Analysis
BDSI ####
GIS for Public Administrators 3
BDSI ####
GIS & Mapping for Public Health 3
Algorithms/Data Structures
BDSI ####
Design & Analysis for Algorithms 3
BDSI 8380
Advanced Data Structures 3
Natural Language Processing
BDSI 722
Clinical Natural Language Processing 3
Area Total 18

Area III - Population Health, Health Systems, & Policy

Choose 2 (Course titles must be different)
Ethical, Legal & Social Issues, Privacy, and Security
HAP 735
Health Law & Risk Management 3
HIN 716
Ethical, Legal, & Regulatory 3
Health Systems
BDSI 8110
Health Care Delivery Systems 3
HAP 705
Health Economics 3
DHA 807
Managing Healthcare Information 3
Health Policy
HAP 704
Health Policy 3
BDSI ####
Health Policy 3
Population Health
BDSI ####
Population Health & Research 2
BDSI ####
Epidemiology 3
Foundations of Epidemiology I 3
DHA 850
Population Health Management 3
Foundations of Epidemiology II 3
Quality & Safety
BDSI ####
Health System Quality Improvement 2
HAP 632
Quality Management of Health Care Services 3
Area Total 5-6

Area IV - Domain Biology/Medicine

Choose 1
BDSI ####
Molecular Biology: Genes to Proteins 3
BDSI ####
Molecular Basis of Disease 3
Foundations of Biomedical Sciences
BDSI ####
Biomedical Basis for Engineered Replacement 3
CGS 765
Proteins: Dynamic Structures & Functions 3
CGS 766
Genes: Inheritance & Expression 4
CGS 767
Cells: Organization & Communication 3
BDSI 6400
Bioinformatics 3
BDSI 6700
Human Genetics 3
BDSI ####
Introduction to Applied Genomics 3
Area Total 3-4

Area V - Lab rotations, seminars, doctoral research

Lab Rotations
BDSI 720
Lab Rotation 2
BDSI 700
BDSI Seminar 4
BDSI 771
Health Equity 1
BDSI 780
BDSI Special Topics 1-3
BDSI 970
Research 18
Area Total 24
Curriculum Total 65-68